Opportunities to Serve

EMC Office

Church Leadership Assistant

The EMC National office is seeking an Administrative Assistant to work as an active part of the office team. Applicants should have a passion for Christ and the mission of the church. This role provides administrative support to EMC boards and the Executive Team and contributes to the efficient day-to-day operations of the office. This position will primarily support the Conference Pastor, Director of Next Generation, and Director of Communications and Administration. Part of the role will include some financial work as well as media production and other events and projects. Qualifications include experience in providing administrative support as well as strong computer, written communication, organizational and interpersonal skills. Education or experience in various media and financial operations would be assets. Bible college certificate or degree preferred. This is a full-time position and offers equitable pay and benefits with the opportunity for professional development. Please send a resume and completed application form to applications@emconference.ca. Applications will be accepted until May 24, 2024 or until a suitable candidate is found.  

Full Job Description Application Form

EMC Pastoral Positions

St. Vital EMC Church is looking for a Lead Pastor beginning Summer of 2024.  Our church is located at 2005 St. Mary’s Rd in Winnipeg, MB and comprises of an average attendance of one hundred on a given Sunday.  We are looking for a leader who is guided by the Holy Spirit and exhibits qualities as listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.  Our church works as a team with board together and pastor(s) setting the agenda but the big decisions are made by all the members.  The Lead Pastor does most of the preaching but shares the pulpit with other leaders. The Lead Pastor would be part of a paid team consisting of the Associate Pastor and Secretary. The Job Ministry Descriptions are available upon request. Education, Experience and agreement to the EMC statement of faith will be considered. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Mike Hopcraft at pastoralsearch@svemc.org in addition to submitting your cover letter and resume.

The Blumenort Community Church is seeking an Administrative Pastor to join our ministry team. If you have excellent skills in administration and organizational leadership, and a pastoral care and concern for the church, we invite you to consider joining our church community. As part of the ministry team, the role of the Administrative Pastor is to support the ministry of the BCC by assisting the other pastors, Leadership Team, office staff, and volunteers with the day-to-day administrative responsibilities of the church in areas of operations, finances, human resources, and facilities. The Administrative Pastor would also take on some other pastoral duties in our church family as time and giftedness allow (e.g., preaching, visitation, etc.). For more information, or to apply for the position, please submit your resume and cover letter by email to Pastor James Driedger at james@blumenortcc.ca. We are accepting resumes until the position is filled. Ideal candidates will be contacted for an initial interview, followed by a more in-depth assessment.

Hillside Christian Fellowship is seeking a pastor. HCF is an EMC-affiliated congregation located in a beautiful farming/logging community near La Crete, Alberta. We are a small rural multi-generational church with an average Sunday attendance of 50; about 15 of this number are young children. The pastor would be working with a lay minister and a small ministerial. He would have appropriate Bible college education. Some pastoral experience would be an asset. He would agree with the EMC Statement of Faith and Church Practices. Besides preaching, teaching, and administrative duties, he would be expected to do visitation. For more information or an expression of interest please contact Henry Driedger (Board Chair) at 780-502-3272, Peter Janzen 780-841-9762 (ptjanzen@yahoo.com) or Peter Doerksen (Western Ambassador of EMC) at 250-570-2969.

Prairie Grove Fellowship Chapel, serving Lorette, Manitoba and the surrounding area, is seeking a full-time senior pastor for a congregation of approximately 60. We are a friendly, welcoming church with a heart for our community. Our mission is “To Love God and To Love People”. Our desires for a pastor: Loves God, His Word and has a close relationship with Him. Loves people and is eager to serve and invest in them. Is able to teach. Is a team player and team builder. Is aware of his personal weaknesses, his freedom in Christ and addresses his weaknesses with intentional accountability. Has pastoral gifts that are recognized by those around him. Cares for his family, being faithful to his wife and nurturing his family. We understand no one person can do all these perfectly but these are the traits we are specifically looking for. For an information packet please contact: pgfcpastorsearch@gmail.com

Anola Fellowship Chapel is in the RM of Springfield at 58006 Monominto Road, 5 miles southeast of the community of Anola and 35 minutes east of Winnipeg. Our Mission is to love God, love our neighbours, and make disciples. Our vision is to serve our neighbour through loving, encouraging, and caring. We have a full Sunday program and both children and youth programs. We are active in various community events. We are actively seeking a full-time pastor to lead our congregation to replace our retiring pastor. We are looking for a spiritually mature man with a deep personal walk with Jesus, an engaging, enthusiastic individual who demonstrates sound biblical teaching and in depth preaching as well as vision. Contact Landon Elhard at afcpastorsearch@gmail.com for more information and/or full job description. Check out our website at anolachapel.com.

Rosenort Fellowship Chapel (RFC) is seeking an associate pastor whose primary task will be youth ministry with secondary tasks to be determined. Our vision is to build a Junior Youth ministry (grades 7-9) while assisting in Senior Youth programs in the community. The applicant will be a person who loves Jesus Christ and aspires to help others know Christ. This person will be highly motivated to make an impact among youth with his/her own dedication to Christ and to lead, influence, and prepare our youth for life today. The applicant will have some Bible College and skills in communicating biblical truths. This person will work in cooperation with the leadership team. RFC is a multi generational congregation of 100 persons 30 minutes south of Winnipeg. We are theologically Anabaptists who long to Radically follow Jesus, Further the gospel, and Care for the Community. Email applications to Cam Cornelsen at cam.rfcleadership@gmail.com

Taber EMC is actively searching for the Senior Pastor whom God has chosen to lead us into the future. Taber EMC is a unique, growing, family-oriented church. Our regular Sunday attendance is about 250. If you feel the Lord leading you in this direction please send to: taberemcpsc@gmail.com

Morris Fellowship Chapel is a Christ-following, Bible-believing, family-friendly church of around 130 people in the small rural town of Morris, Manitoba. People of all ages are a part of Morris Fellowship, including children, young adults, adults and seniors. We are looking for a pastor to help with preaching, teaching, and building community in our church. This would include preaching on Sundays, teaching midweek Bible studies, personal visits and church community events. Contact Cliff Reimer, Pastoral Search Committee Chairman: cliff0955@gmail.com.

Positions Outside of EMC

Justice MB Church is seeking a pastor. We are a rural congregation, located a short drive from Minnedosa, Neepawa, Carberry, and Brandon, Manitoba. We are part of MBCM (Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba). Please submit resumes to justicembchurch@gmail.com. You can view our website at www.justicembchurch.wordpress.com. Position is available until it is filled.

Morrow Gospel Church is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications to fill the role of Lead Pastor here at MGC.  We are a part of the EMM Conference and are looking for someone who subscribes to our statement of faith. If you or someone you know whom you feel would be a good fit for this position - we encourage you to reach out to them and encourage them to apply! To request more information - please visit www.morrowgospel.ca.

Gospel Fellowship Church
is seeking a full-time lead pastor. We are a congregation with an average attendance of 75 and are a part of the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference (EMMC). GFC is a faith community in a broken world, sharing the hope of freedom in Christ. We are searching for an individual who passionately loves God and loves people, one who is able to provide vision and direction for our church, and willing to compassionately lead our congregation with sound biblical teaching. For a full position description, please visit our website (www.gospelfellowshipchurch.ca) or contact us at applications@gopselfellowshipchurch.ca.

The Manitou Christian Fellowship, a multi-generational, rural church in south-central Manitoba, seeks to glorify God by helping people find and follow Jesus. We are looking for a lead pastor who is relational, a gifted teacher and has a heart for evangelism and discipleship. We are open to an 80-100% work week. It is important for us to be biblically centred in all we do. We welcome people from all backgrounds to join us in learning and growing together in our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Recognizing that our work extends beyond the walls of our building, we aim to have a positive impact on people's lives and advance the cause of Christ. Our people are generally involved in local community events and in developing relationships outside of the church family. In the following year, we want to focus on discipleship and personal growth while also effectively reaching out to the community. We are accepting resumes until the position is filled. For more information and to apply, please contact Joy Pauls at 204-242-4424 or by email at bjpauls@inethome.ca. See our website at www.manitouchristianfellowship.com. Posting End Date: June 14, 2024

Lakeview Community Church is looking for a full-time lead pastor. We are a Mennonite Brethren Church located in Killarney, Manitoba. We are seeking an individual with some experience in this field, who subscribes to the Mennonite Brethren Confession of Faith. We are looking for someone to become a part of our community, who has the ability to preach the word of God as well as teach and guide our congregation to live like Jesus. Please send resumes to lvccpastorsearch@gmail.com  For a more comprehensive job description and church profile, please check this link https://boards.com/a/hR1RS.Hx4srs

Carman Mennonite Church invites applications for a 0.5FTE pastoral position with the possibility this would increase to full time. We are a congregation of 60-70 active members with regular adult and children’s Sunday School. We have been located in the town of Carman, Manitoba for 75 years and are within a 45 minute commute to Winnipeg as well as a 30 minute commute to either Winkler or Morden. As an independent Anabaptist church we are looking for someone who models a sincere Christian faith, exhibits strong relational skills and community mindedness. Duties would include preaching, teaching, pastoral care, visitation with those in care homes, connecting with the community and area ministerial, working with the worship committee to provide meaningful experiences of worship which enable people to connect with God, foster a love for and nurture disciples of Jesus the Christ. This would be done with the support of lay leadership. For more information about us on our small website at carmanmennonite.ca. Our ideal start time would be in the fall of 2023. Compensation will be determined by experience and education. Forward inquiries and/or resumes together with the names and contact information of two references to: cmcpastoralsearchcommittee@gmail.com or CMC Search Committee Box 1077 Carman, Manitoba R0G 0J0.

If you have a passion for Youth and Young Adults, Fort Garry Mennonite Brethren Church invites you to apply for the position of Associate Pastor - Youth and Young Adults. Under the leadership of the Lead Pastor, you will provide spiritual leadership through biblical, theological, cultural, and organizational development in the spiritual formation of Youth (Grades 7-12) and Young Adults. A full job description is available on our website. How to Apply: Please send a resume and cover letter to the Personnel Committee c/o info@fgmb.ca. Applications will be processed as they are received.

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