Compassionate Funds

Compassionate Funds allow our missionaries to help out with some of the practical needs they see around them. These funds go towards things like grocery hampers, providing rides to appointments, medical needs, disaster relief and more.

Donate Now

Compassionate Funds: $3,095

All Projects: $27,145

Goal: $35,000

Thank you for your generosity!

Learn more and find the stories on our socials

Other Funds

The General Fund finances the operational aspects of the EMC. This fund is used for staff, missionary, and church planter salaries, ministry expenses, communications, and events. Your support here keeps the heart of the conference beating.

Missions and Church Planting projects support specific endeavours within Canada and throughout our mission fields.

Donations to projects other than compassionate funds can be designated after the payment step when giving online. You may also give by cheque or cash mailed to EMC at 440 Main St, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z5 or by calling the office with your credit card.